In the summer of 2012, I got the chance to intern at the ABC affiliate in Harrisburg where I shadowed meteorologists Ryan Coyle, Brett Thackara, and Eric Finkenbinder. I learned so much about the new WSI TruVu Max graphics system, putting together my own weather graphic from scratch, producing a live broadcast on the 24/7 weather channel the station owned and practiced in front of the green screen, which prepared me for the Intern Newscast at the end of the summer. I even was able to participate in a school visit.
My daily responsibilities also included:
Producing graphics using WSI TruVu Max
Researching Tropical Storm Lee for an upcoming feature
Producing a live :30 and 1:30 weather segment for the 24/7 ABC-27 Weather Channel
Looking up climate data
Updating the website's forecast discussion and ticker
WTAJ-TV 10 Altoona, Pennsylvania
In the summer of 2011, I got the chance to intern at WTAJ News in Altoona, Pennsylvania. It was the summer between my sophomore and junior year at Penn State, and knew it would be a great opportunity to experience the daily operations of a newstation. I interned for Joe Murgo, who has had 20 years of experience in the field. My daily schedule included:
Participating in a forecast discussion
Updating the weather graphics using Cinema Live
Writing a forecast discussion for the website
Updating the website's forecast graphics and temperatures
Creating my own "Wild Weather" page where I showcased recent eye-witness YouTube videos of outrageous weather
Uploading my own story for the Weather Blog
Researching heat waves and climate data for Pennsylvania
Practicing in front of the green screen
Watching the daily operations of how a news cast is organized and performed
Below is a snapshot of one of my submissions to the weather blog: